Aïkido course fees:
For Aikido (adults) we have three formulas:
Option 1. Monthly payment of 40€
Option 2. Single payment of €185 for five months (so you have a reduction of €15 for the five months, which amounts to €30 saved per year)
Option 3. Single payment of €360 for the full year (so you have one month free and only pay for nine months in total)
For Kendo, the price is the same as for aikido (adults).
For aikido (children and adolescents): also three formulas:
Option 1. Monthly payment of 25€
Option 2. Single payment of €115 for five months (so you have a reduction of €10 for five months, which amounts to €20 saved per year)
Option 3. Single payment of €225 for the full year (so you have one month free and only pay for nine months in total)
It is also possible to make payments via Sodexo sports cheques.
The cost of insurance and license for aikido (adults) is 30€ for the whole, per year.
For aikido (children and teenagers), the cost is 20€ per year.
The cost of insurance for Kendo has yet to be calculated and will be announced later.
For more information you can contact
Jean-Claude at 0475.97.63.86
Secretariat M@il: aikido.harmonie.bxl@gmail.com
Bank data:
IBAN: BE64 0682 4606 2452